You can return your items within 45 days of date order is shipped.
Yes. If you decide to make a return/exchange at a Just Sports store (Arizona only), you must bring the following items with you:
· Your original email confirmation of your sale which shows items purchased, and payment method (not the packing slip which does not include this information).
· The credit card used for the original purchase. Orders placed using debit cards will not be refunded for cash. Orders placed using PayPal will be refunded as cash.
· Shipping charges are non-refundable.
*Please note: Due to the way discounts are applied, if you do an in-store return of an order that received shipping discounts you will lose all, or a portion, of that shipping discount, depending on whether you are returning all, or only some of the items. It is a technical restriction that store employees can't work around. If you don't want to do that then you need to submit your return to our warehouse for processing. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Customers seeking an exchange should be aware that our ability to fulfill an exchange request is subject to available stock at time return is received and processed.
NOTE: We process refunds upon receipt and approval of return, but banks have different processing times which result in different waiting periods for receiving a refund in your account. This is beyond our control.
Just Sports reserves the right to limit returns/exchanges made with or without receipts for any reason